Pregnancy & Medical Scans

Obstetric / Pregnancy Applications

Ultrasound examination of the unborn baby is important in the care of every pregnancy. It is a window to the miraculous world of the developing baby and a powerful experience giving parents the opportunity to view their unborn child and have peace of mind about the health of their baby.

Ultrasound examinations are with you every step of the way. For nine months your child’s heart will beat inside of you and then forever on the outside. These momentous moments are the platform of an eternal bond.

5-6 Week Pregnancy

A gestational sac is clearly depicted at 5 weeks (calculated from the first day of last period) and the embryo with heartbeat at 6 weeks. The viability of the foetus, foetal age, due date and location of the gestational sac will be determined. In the presence of pelvic pain and/or bleeding, an investigation is done for ectopic pregnancy (abnormal implantation site), ovarian cyst or abnormal pregnancy.

Nuchal Translucency Pregnancy Scan (11-14 weeks)

Measurement of the nuchal translucency in the neck is effective in detecting the possibility of a Down’s Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18 baby. A patient specific risk is calculated on maternal age, nasal bone, nuchal measurement and brain development.

2nd Trimester Anatomy Screening (18-24 weeks)

The foetus is thoroughly screened in the investigation of structural and chromosomal abnormalities. Foetal size, weight, organs, limbs, digits, heart rate, umbilical cord, placental position, amniotic fluid, multiple pregnancies, movements and gender are documented. Kicking, waving, yawning and even blinking can be captured.

3D/4DScan (12-33 weeks)

3D images are impressive reconstructions of the foetal image while 4D scans are dynamic reconstructions of the moving baby displaying kicking, blinking, yawning and waving. 3D/4D scans are perfect opportunities for psychological bonding with its spectacular pictures designed to impress Moms and Dads. (See 4D Scans for more info)

3rd Trimester Scan

Foetal position, growth, weight, well-being placental position and fluid volume are assessed at this scan. Certain abnormalities manifest in later pregnancy which is investigated.

pregnancy scans

Gynaecology Applications


Pelvic ultrasound is a standard investigation of lower abdominal pain or abnormal bleeding to evaluate pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal complications, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.


Ultrasound is invaluable in follicle measurement to enable the correct timing for conception and guides egg retrieval for specialized procedures. This is done with the assistance of a fertility doctor.

Paediatric Scans

Children enjoy scans as the procedure is painless and “fun” to watch. Conditions such as appendicitis, abdominal mass or obstructed kidneys can be diagnosed in children that have a “tummy ache”.


Breast cancer is a common concern for women of all ages. Ultrasound is the primary screening application for women under the age of 35 years and acts as an adjunct to mammography over the age of 35. It is always wise to perform self examination of the breast. Any lump that is palpated must be investigated. Ultrasound is sensitive in depicting most palpable lumps. It differentiates between benign and suspicious lesions and guides biopsies to obtain the cellular nature of the mass.

Vascular (Doppler Scans)

Painful, swollen legs/arms from long travel, pregnancy, surgery and heart failure can be caused by Deep Vein Thrombosis (clotted veins) and is linked with sudden death due to pulmonary embolus (clot in the lungs). Ultrasound diagnosis enables immediate anti-coagulant therapy. Arterial dopplers determine the efficiency of arterial flow in patients with poor pulses in the arms / legs.

Abdominal Cavity

Common symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, heartburn, indigestion and abdominal pain are easily investigated on ultrasound. Gallstones, liver damage, inflamed pancreas, aortic aneurysm, enlarged spleen, appendicitis and kidney dysfunction or obstruction (by stones) are the least that can be detected on an abdominal ultrasound.

Thyroid Gland

Goitre, under or overactive thyroid function are common issues of the thyroid. Regular ultrasound monitoring determines the thyroid size and detects any suspicious lumps or cysts which may need a biopsy.

Prostate Gland

Ultrasound investigates prostate lesions or enlargement (causing urinary difficulty or frequency). Benign prostatic hypertrophy is common in older men.

Carotid Dopplers

Evaluate the degree of occlusion of blood flow in the neck in patients with fainting episodes or mild strokes. Significant obstructions are treated to prevent major strokes.

Scrotal Scans

Investigates pain, swelling, cysts, inflammatory conditions and testicular cancer.

Foreign bodies

Bullets, spikes and splinters can be seen under the skin surface even if they are only 2mm in size!

Emergency Scans

Motor Vehicle Accidents or Blunt Trauma, is routinely investigated with ultrasound to detect organ rupture.

Musculoskeletal Scans

Sports medicine is a growing field in the investigation of torn muscles, ligaments and tendons. It is also useful for chronic aches and pains in the joints.

medical scans